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White Wedding 2024

White Wedding 2024

Normalpris 115,00 kr
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Inklusive moms.

Title: White Wedding 2024

Style:  Imperial Stout aged in White Port Barrels

Tasting Notes/Label Text: Brewed with coffee and lactose sugar and aged in white port barrels for over a year, White Wedding is a full-bodied imperial stout that showcases a complex blend of coffee and honey-like flavors, along side barrel-aged characters of oak, almonds and toffee, White Wedding is a rich, smooth, and slightly fruity drinking experience.

ABV: 13.5%

IBU: 30

Malts: Pale Malt, Munich Malt, Abbey Malt, Roasted Barley, Brown Malt, Chocolate Malt

Hops: Herkules

Adjuncts: Coffee, Lactose, Dextrose

Aroma: Roasted Coffee, Chocolate, Candied Figs, Wine, Vanilla, Oak

Yeast: WLP001

Food Pairings: Sweet cheese, chocolate covered strawberries, lemon desserts. 


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