Meet the brewers and Sofie.
Steve, Jonas, Teddy & and SofieSteve Rold, head brewer
Steve is our Headbrewer, that is, he decides!
Fortunately, he is good at making decisions, and he is also the man with the important taste palette, he is also the man with the ideas for the beer, and his heart is full of love for good beer and our brewery.
Steve is a man with the courage of his opinions, so he always has something on his mind, which not only results in good beer, but also an infectious good humor, and he is an eminent storyteller.
Steve was born and raised in the small town of Elk Horn in Iowa, 662 inhabitants, so he is used to everyone knowing everyone, one of the many reasons why he has suited Fanø so well. He just knows how to live in nature, and it might sound a little romantic, but it's actually not at all, because it's more nature in such a big city way....
Steve was raised on a farm, and has a farmer's approach to food, good meat, from an animal that has been looked after and cared for, it makes good steaks, and steaks are good! - and if he's in the big city, he has a penchant for cold pizza, if you think it's weird, we can only give digret....
Steve actually likes a lot of "styles" of beer, he says that with a typical American accent... But his "all time favorite" is and will be Fanø Vestkyst, we have a hard time believing it really fits (we know him very well), but that's what he says...

Jonas Hübschmann
Jonas is our brewer from Fanø, born at home, used to home, and the hero of our hometown!
Jonas is our young handsome brewer, therefore also single, because in Jonas's world there is no reason for snarky ties, and he is already well married to our brewery.
Jonas has worked his way up from the ground up at the brewery, because as he always says "self-made is well-made!"
Jonas dreams of sailing out on the world's oceans, mostly to shake off the home-breeding predicate, and then of course to learn more about all the beers in the world, the goal is actually to harvest the world's best hops himself in New Zealand, we will miss him every day, but as a home birth, we know he will come back...
Jonas' dish is spaghetti with meat sauce (not bolognese or ragu, no meat sauce)
Jonas actually likes many beers, especially if they come in the form of large draft beers, but when we corner him, his choice falls on MangoMussolini, it's also easy to understand such an excellent choice!
Teddy Hayward
Teddy is our brewer from London, he narrowly escaped The United Kingdom before
Boris succeeded with his Brexit, amazingly, what became of Theresa….?
Teddy's name is actually Edward, it must be something with a royal vein running in his blood, and his
Nanny thought it suited better, I guess she's a bit posh.
Edward or Teddy as we know him as, loves beer, good beer, and luckily for him that's what we do at Fanø Bryghus, he's a lucky potato...
Teddy's first encounter with beer brewing was his father's home brewery, and when he later became better than his father at brewing, he thought it could become his livelihood, so when he later met "the love of his life", Astrid from Fanø, yes it was just to drop by the brewery and let Steve and Jonas taste how skilled he is.
Teddy prefers to eat fry up breakfast vegan-style, that's because he's vegan, the good thing about him is that you can understand that when you miss him...
Teddy has a fondness for dark beer, which is also why, he says, Fanø Bryghus is the perfect place for him, we have a sea of good dark beers, but now when we ask for the choice to fall on the favourite, Fanø Vadehav, "no doubt about it!"

Sofie Jansen, director
Sofie is our director, actually also a home-born, just born in Esbjerg. She thinks she is from Fanø, i.e. in a previous life, and there are many reasons for that, but most of all we think it is because she loves coffee punch for breakfast....
Sofie is not afraid of anything, she catches spiders with her fingers and goes kayaking. In addition, she has an ability to tap beer that has never been seen before, we are considering whether we should have her sent out to beer tap competitions in the future....
Sofie is the one who takes care of everything that goes on behind the scenes, she works hand in hand with buyers and makes sure that all the technology in the brewery works, and she is also quite tough, both in keeping everyone in the brewery in their ears with the clean-up . From time to time she even throws away her headmistress costume and then we have to promise that she can set the premises in order like a whirlwind, we really like that……
Sofie's food is all food in the world, but especially food. Now you're probably thinking, how does she stay so slim? But we can reveal that she does this by dancing around to "Smooth Operator". Should she ever become president, it will definitely be played when she takes the podium!
The favorite beer of them all is and will be Fanø Havgus, and "ThankGod" for that! She can't stand too many percentages, - and let that be a warning!